Featured youtube video: Peter Chao's original Doritos commercial


cant sleep!!!

its been 2 nights in a row that i have stayed up until 6 in the morning! i accidentally fell asleep at 10'ish and ended waking up 130am. it seems like getting enough sleep has been a major problem with me lately. i really really want to sleep but yet i am wide awake! what is wrong with me?!


Just saw kick-ass the movie, and it was kick asssss!!!! i heard from my friends from canada that it was good but it more way better than my expectations. you guys should definitely check it out. but if you can't handle excessive blood and gore, this ain't for you.

i'm a total action movie fan, the fighting and killing in this movie was just incredible, i was expecting this movie to be more of a comedy than an action flick. Watching this movie really makes me to want to see more of it!!!! I mean, have you ever seen a superhero that ends all his fights looking all beat up and with battle injuries??!!

There were so many actors in this film that i recognized, i'm sure everyone knows Nicolas Cage and Christopher Mintz-Plasse(a.k.a.Mcloving from superbad), but there are so many others that i knew!

Wow i didn't know that the main actor  Aaron Johnson, is engaged to Taylor-Wood who's 24 years old than he is, they're even engaged and are soon to be father and mother, congratz to them.

New Boy

This video really touched me because i was also in a similar situation when i first moved to Canada back in 1999. I was 11 years old, and I just started living with my aunt and her family members. Everything was new to me, environment, culture, the way of life and the people.

bad dinner

had all-you-can-eat sushi for dinner, went to this place near my apartment for the first time since i came back to hong kong. i had high expectations for it but the sushi they had didn't appeal to me at all!!!! so i've added that place to my 'black list' haha

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Star Wars according to a 3 year old.

It's so adorable the way this kid describes Star wars lol.

Surprised Kitty (Original)

I find this kitten sooooooooo awsome! playing with kittens are so fun, i visited one of my friend and he had 5 kittens in his apartment! they were crawling all over me when i was sitting on his couch haha


The above is the link to Bungie which created halo 3, and now Halo Reach is coming soon!!! For those who are fans of FPS and halo series, are you with me on this one?!

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This is a book by my favourite book author, The Green Mile by Stephen King. To me, he's the best at writing horror/mystery novels. Definitely worth checking out

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                         This is a candy called live wires! it is unbelievably good!
 although for people who don't like too much sweetness with their candy, they wouldn't like it at all because the center of it its pure sweetness haha.
I made this my second blog because I love eating candy or anything that's sweet :)

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first blog ever!!!!

this is the first ever blog by me, chris. hm what to say...ah, i'm actually chinese even though i'm typing in english because i actually don't know how to write chinese or type chinese...haha.
but i understand chinese completely! i can read and speak it alright :)
am i suppose to say this much for my first blog entry? i guess i'll end it here lol. more to come later

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